PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Hi Guy, I need help concluding converting HTML invoice to PDF, the output PDF does not carries the items line that are carried in the HTML Invoice, it converts the whole HTML invoice to PDF 75% fine the missing 25% that it does not print the is the items lines, please see attached the Source HTML and the Target output PDF for more detail.

Assembly Used
PDFSharp.dll Version used 1.32.3057.0
PdfSharp.Charting.dll Version used 1.32.3057.0
HtmlRenderer.dll Version
HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp.dll Version

//Sample Code used
PdfDocument pdf = PdfGenerator.GeneratePdf(html, PageSize.A4,20,null,null,null);
//- Create it.
pdf.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/export/" + _PDF_FILENAME_TO_CREATE));

Any clue how to fix the problem so the output prints the item lines as well ?

File comment: Target Output PDF after conversion